Please complete and sign this form prior to undertaking your Session
Axe throwing is a sport that involves physical exertion and does have some associated risks. Following the safety rules given to you by the instructor will eliminate those risks. Failing to follow these rules and further advice could result in injury and will result in you being asked to cease participation, and in some cases you may be asked to leave the premises.
I understand the nature of this activity and confirm that I am in good health and in proper physical condition to participate.
I acknowledge that if I believe conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation and notify a member of staff.
I fully understand that this activity involves risk of bodily injury which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time: and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I incur as a result of my own participation.
Valhalla North Ltd does not accept any liability unless due to our negligence.
Valhalla North Ltd is licensed to serve alcohol on and off premises.
I understand that the consumption of alcohol on the premises is my own responsibility and if any member of staff believes me to be intoxicated and acting inappropriately, I may be asked to cease participation or in some cases leave the premises. Valhalla North Ltd reserves the right to refuse alcohol to any person, for any reason, at any time.
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